Type alias TileProviderOptions

TileProviderOptions: VcsObjectOptions & {
    allowTileAggregation?: boolean;
    baseLevels?: number[];
    tileCacheSize?: number;
    trackFeaturesToTiles?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional allowTileAggregation?: boolean

    allows aggregation of tiles if requested minLevel is lower than provided baseLevels ( if true, allows for aggregating up to two levels (16 child tiles) into a tile)

  • Optional baseLevels?: number[]

    baseLevels (these levels will be requested by the loader, all other child levels will be interpolated


  • Optional tileCacheSize?: number

    size of the LRU (least recently used) tileCache per baseLevel


  • Optional trackFeaturesToTiles?: boolean

    tracks in which tile each feature exists. (features without an ID will be ignored). Better performance if deactivated, but does not allow for featureVisibility. Should be set to false if not unique featureID is provided.

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