Class GlobalHider

GlobalHider globally hides features existing within a layer of a LayerCollection. Features can be defined as hidden by VcsModuleConfig or LayerOptions. Hiding will be performed, when a VcsModule is loaded, a Layer is activated or GlobalHider API is called. A feature can be hidden multiple times by different actors, e.g. modules, layers, which is handled by this class. A feature will be shown again, when a VcsModule is removed, a Layer is deactivated or GlobalHider API is called.


  • GlobalHider



  • Add a tick to the hide count, hidding the features if they are not already hidden


    • uuids: string[]

    Returns void

  • Subtract from the hide count for an Array of ids. If the array reaches 0, features with said UUID will be shown


    • uuids: string[]

    Returns void


_hiddenObjectFeatures: Record<string, Set<HighlightableFeature>> = {}

An event raised when the hidden ids change. Is called with FeatureVisibilityEvent as its only argument

hiddenObjects: Record<string, number> = {}
lastUpdated: number = ...

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