Type alias CesiumMapOptions

CesiumMapOptions: VcsMapOptions & {
    cameraLimiter?: CameraLimiterOptions;
    enableLightning?: boolean;
    globeColor?: string;
    lightIntensity?: number;
    tileCacheSize?: number;
    useOriginalCesiumShader?: boolean;
    webGLaa?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional cameraLimiter?: CameraLimiterOptions
  • Optional enableLightning?: boolean

    if true, lighting will be activated.

  • Optional globeColor?: string

    the color of the globe, if no image is provided

  • Optional lightIntensity?: number

    changes the default Cesium Sunlight Intensity (default is 3.0) Cesium Default is 2.0

  • Optional tileCacheSize?: number

    the tilecache size of cesium terrain and tile layer

  • Optional useOriginalCesiumShader?: boolean

    use Original Cesium Shader, otherwise the VCS Customized Shader will be used. This is a global Setting for all VCMap Instances on the same page.

  • Optional webGLaa?: boolean

    activates webGL antialiasing (not every Browser respects this value)

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