Class VectorObliqueImpl

represents a specific vector layer for oblique.




  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get initialized(): boolean
  • Whether this implementation has been initialized (e.g. activated at least once)

    Returns boolean



  • Parameters

    • originalFeature: Feature<Geometry>
    • obliqueFeature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • listeners: Record<string, EventsKey>
    • originalFeature: Feature<Geometry>
    • obliqueFeature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns void

  • activates the implementation, if the map is also active. calls initialize (only use internally) Once the promise resolves, the layer can still be inactive, if deactivate was called while initializing the layer.

    Returns Promise<void>


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
_featureListeners: Record<string, Record<string, EventsKey>> = {}
_featureVisibilityListeners: (() => void)[] = []

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_imageChangedListener: undefined | null | (() => void) = null

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_sourceListener: EventsKey[] = []
_state: LayerState = LayerState.INACTIVE
_updatingMercator: Record<string, null | number | boolean | Timeout> = {}
_updatingOblique: Record<string, null | number | boolean | Timeout> = {}
currentExtent: null | Extent = null

The extent of the current image for which features where fetched

featureVisibility: FeatureVisibility
fetchedFeaturesForImageName: null | string = null

The image name for which the current features where fetched

globalHider: GlobalHider
isDestroyed: boolean
name: string

unique Name

obliqueSource: VectorSource<Geometry> = ...
olLayer: null | VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>> = null
properties: Record<string, unknown>
source: VectorSource<Geometry>
style: StyleItem
url: undefined | string

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