Class ObliqueImageMeta


  • ObliqueImageMeta



  • Removes radial distortion in image coordinates. Radial coefficients must be provided


    • coordinate: Coordinate
    • Optional useF2E: unknown

      useFound2Expected, if not true expectedToFound is used

    Returns Coordinate


format: string
hasRadial: boolean
name: string

The name of the camera associated with these meta data

pixelSize: undefined | Coordinate
principalPoint: undefined | Coordinate
projection: Projection

The world projection of the images associated with this meta

radialE2F: undefined | number[]
radialF2E: undefined | number[]
size: Size

The size of the images associated with this meta data

terrainProvider: undefined | CesiumTerrainProvider

An optional terrain provider

tileResolution: number[]

The tile resolutions of the images associated with this meta data

tileSize: Size

The tile size of the images associated with this meta data

url: string

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