Class CesiumMap

Cesium Globe Map Class (3D map)







  • get active(): boolean
  • Whether the map is active or not

    Returns boolean

  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get layerCollection(): LayerCollection
  • The layer collection of this map. LayerCollections can be shared among maps. When adding the map to a , the layer collection of the will be set. When setting the layer collection, the destroyLayerCollection flag is automatically set to false.

    Returns LayerCollection

  • set layerCollection(layerCollection): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get loading(): boolean
  • Whether the map is loading or not

    Returns boolean

  • get splitPosition(): number
  • Returns number

  • set splitPosition(position): void
  • The splitPosition should always be aligned with the mapCollection's splitPosition. Use mapCollection to change splitPosition.


    • position: number

    Returns void

  • get target(): null | HTMLElement
  • The currently set HTML element in which to render the map

    Returns null | HTMLElement



  • Parameters

    • cartesian: Cartesian3
    • latitude: number

    Returns number

  • is called when the cesium Terrainprovider changes. Sets the .terrainProvider and deactivates currently active TerrainLayer layer if necessary


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void

  • activates the map, if necessary initializes the map. Once the promise resolves, the map can still be inactive, if deactivate was called while the map was activating.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • dataSource: CustomDataSource

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • imageryLayer: ImageryLayer

    Returns void

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • primitiveCollection: PrimitiveCollection | Cesium3DTileset

    Returns void

  • prevent all movement, including navigation controls, gotoViewpoint & setting of oblique images


    • bool: boolean

    Returns void

  • returns the cesium Widget Object

    Returns null | CesiumWidget

  • Returns the cluster dataSourceDisplays dataSources. This datasource can only handle Entities with Billboards, Labels or Points.

    Returns DataSourceCollection

  • Resolution in meters per pixe


    • coordinate: Coordinate

      coordinate in mercator for which to determine resolution. only required in 3D

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • cartesian: Cartesian3

    Returns number

  • returns the cesium DataSourceDisplay Object

    Returns null | DataSourceDisplay

  • returns the dataSourceCollection associated with the scene

    Returns undefined | DataSourceCollection

  • returns the Entities Collection

    Returns undefined | EntityCollection

  • getHeight for coordinates


    • positions: Coordinate[]

      in web mercator

    Returns Promise<Coordinate[]>

    the array of coordinates with heights updated in place

  • returns the cesium Scene Object, returns null on non initialized or destroyed maps

    Returns undefined | Scene

  • sets the view to the given viewpoint


    • viewpoint: Viewpoint
    • Optional optMaximumHeight: number

      during animation (can be used to get rid of the bunny hop) gotoViewpoint

    Returns Promise<void>

  • returns true if the WEBGL Extension EXT_frag_depth is supported. (Is used for GroundPoloygons)

    Returns boolean

  • returns true if the WEBGL Extension WEBGL_depth_texture is supported. (Is used for picking)

    Returns boolean

  • Internal API used to unregister visualizations from layer implementations


    • dataSource: CustomDataSource

    Returns void

  • Internal API used to unregister visualizations from layer implementations


    • imageryLayer: ImageryLayer

    Returns void

  • Internal API to unregister the visualization for a layers implementation


    • primitiveCollection: PrimitiveCollection | Cesium3DTileset

    Returns void

  • set dataSource clock as display clock to visualize time dependent animation


    • clock: DataSourceClock

    Returns void

  • sets the position of the sun according to the day


    • julianDate: JulianDate

      See the Cesium API

    Returns void

  • sets the lighting of the globe with the sun as a light source


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • set the cesium TerrainProvider


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void

  • unset dataSource clock


    • clock: DataSourceClock

    Returns void

  • unsets the TerrainProvider (changes to the default TerrainProvider if the given terranProvider is currently active)


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
_cameraLimiter: null | CameraLimiter
_cameraLimiterOptions: undefined | CameraLimiterOptions
_cesiumWidget: null | CesiumWidget
_clockSyncListener: null | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_clusterDataSourceDisplay: null | DataSourceDisplay
_dataSourceClocks: DataSourceClock[]

clocks of active data sources the last clock of the array corresponds to the active dataSourceDisplayClock

_defaultClock: DataSourceClock

default clock is set, when no datasource clock is active

_lastEventFrameNumber: null | number
_lightIntensity: number
_listeners: (() => void)[]

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_preUpdateListener: null | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_screenSpaceListeners: (() => void)[]

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_terrainProvider: null | TerrainProvider
dataSourceDisplay: null | DataSourceDisplay
dataSourceDisplayClock: Clock

clock for animated data

defaultJDate: JulianDate
defaultTerrainProvider: null | TerrainProvider
destroyLayerCollection: boolean

Whether to destroy the layerCollection when destroying the map. Defaults to false if passing in a LayerCollection and true if a LayerCollection is created. Is set to false, when setting a different LayerCollection.

enableLightning: boolean
fallbackMap: null | string

The name of a map to fall back on, if this map cant show a viewpoint

globeColor: Color
initialized: boolean
isDestroyed: boolean
mapElement: HTMLElement
movementDisabled: boolean

if true, no movements should occur

name: string

unique Name

pointerInteractionEvent: VcsEvent<MapEvent>

Event raised then the map has a pointer interaction. Raises MapEvent.

properties: Record<string, unknown>
screenSpaceEventHandler: null | ScreenSpaceEventHandler
stateChanged: VcsEvent<MapState>

Event raised when the maps state changes. Is passed the MapState as its only argument.

tileCacheSize: number
useOriginalCesiumShader: boolean
webGLaa: boolean

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