Type alias WMSOptions

WMSOptions: RasterLayerOptions & {
    featureInfo?: Partial<WMSFeatureProviderOptions>;
    highResolution?: boolean;
    layers?: string;
    parameters?: Record<string, string> | string;
    singleImage2d?: boolean;
    tileSize?: Size;
    version?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional featureInfo?: Partial<WMSFeatureProviderOptions>

    whether this layer should send getFeatureInfo requests to the service when objects are clicked.

  • Optional highResolution?: boolean

    use higher resolution images (sofar only in 3D)

  • Optional layers?: string

    string with comma separated names of the layers to display

  • Optional parameters?: Record<string, string> | string

    key value pair of additional WMS parameters, url query notation possible

  • Optional singleImage2d?: boolean

    Use a single image in 2D

  • Optional tileSize?: Size


    [256, 256]
  • Optional version?: string

    WMS version (either 1.1.1 (default) or 1.3.0)



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