Class RasterLayer<I>

This abstract class allows for automatic loading scheme determination for raster layers

Type Parameters




  • get allowPicking(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • set allowPicking(allowPicking): void
  • Parameters

    • allowPicking: boolean

    Returns void

  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get exclusive(): boolean
  • Indicates, that this layer is part of an exclusiveGroup

    Returns boolean

  • get exclusiveGroups(): (string | symbol)[]
  • An array of arbitrary exclusive groups

    Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • set exclusiveGroups(groups): void
  • Parameters

    • groups: (string | symbol)[]

    Returns void

  • get headers(): undefined | Record<string, string>
  • directly manipulating the headers Object will not trigger a reload. Reload the data via layer.reload() manually.

    Returns undefined | Record<string, string>

  • set headers(headers): void
  • Parameters

    • headers: undefined | Record<string, string>

    Returns void

  • get hiddenObjectIds(): string[]
  • Returns string[]

  • set hiddenObjectIds(hiddenObjectIds): void
  • Parameters

    • hiddenObjectIds: string[]

    Returns void

  • get initialized(): boolean
  • True if this layer has been initialized, typically after its first activation.

    Returns boolean

  • get locale(): string
  • returns the currently set locale. Can be used to provide locale specific URLs.

    Returns string

  • set locale(value): void
  • sets the locale and reloads the layer the if the URL is a locale aware Object.


    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get url(): string
  • A layers url, should on be configured, else an empty string

    Returns string

  • set url(url): void
  • Parameters

    • url: string | Record<string, string>

    Returns void

  • get zIndex(): number
  • Returns number

  • set zIndex(index): void
  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void



  • Activates this layer object, i.e. changes its internal view state and updates the map. The returned promise resolves, once the layer & any _implementations are initialized and all data is loaded. Once the promise resolves, the layer can still be inactive, if deactivate was called while initializing the layer.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • destroys all current implementations and recreates the ones which have an active map. called for instance when the URL for a layer changes

    Returns Promise<void>

  • is called from the map when the map is activated, and this layer is in the layerCollection of the map. Will create an implementation if it does not exits and will forward the activation call to the implementation.


    Returns Promise<void>


  • is called from the map when the map is deactivated, and this layer is in the layerCollection of the map. will forward deactivation call to the map specific implementation


    Returns void


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
_headers?: Record<string, string>
_minLevel: number
_opacity: number
_splitDirection: SplitDirection = SplitDirection.NONE
_supportedMaps: string[]

The class names of the supported maps.

_url: undefined | string | Record<string, string>
activeOnStartup: boolean
copyright: undefined | CopyrightOptions
datasourceId?: string

Optional Id to synchronize with the vcPublisher Datasources. This can also be used to track a connection to other sources of data.

exclusiveGroupsChanged: VcsEvent<(string | symbol)[]>

event raised if the exclusives group of the layer changes. is passed the array of exclusive groups as its only argument

extent: Extent
featureProvider: undefined | AbstractFeatureProvider

An optional feature provider to provider features based on click events.

isDestroyed: boolean
mapNames: string[]
maxLevel: number
minLevel: number
name: string

unique Name

properties: Record<string, unknown>
splitDirectionChanged: VcsEvent<SplitDirection> = ...

raised if the split direction changes, is passed the split direction as its only argument

stateChanged: VcsEvent<LayerState>

Event raised, if the layers state changes. Is passed the LayerState as its only parameter

tilingSchema: TilingScheme

The TilingScheme of this layer

zIndexChanged: VcsEvent<number>

Called when the zIndex of this layer is changed. Is passed the new zIndex as its only argument.

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