Class ObliqueCollection

baseclass for all Objects

Hierarchy (view full)


  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get imageFeatureSource(): VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
  • A vector source of all image currently loaded for this collection in mercator. The id is the image name. The feature has a "viewDirection" property.

    Returns VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>

  • get tileFeatureSource(): VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
  • A vector source of all tiles available to this collection in mercator. The feature have a "state" property, the id is the string tile coordinate "z/x/y" of the tile

    Returns VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>



  • Returns the closest image for the given location and direction (location and image extent must not overlap). Returns undefined, if there are no images for the given direction


    • mercatorCoordinate: Coordinate

      coordinate in web mercator

    • direction: ObliqueViewDirection

      the preferred direction if no image in that direction can be found, other direction will be queried

    Returns undefined | ObliqueImage

  • Gets all available tile coordinates across all data sets, including their loaded state. Return value is an object, where the key is the tile coordinate in z/x/y and the value is the data state

    Returns Record<string, DataState>

  • Checks, if an image exists for a given coordinated


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Loads the image adjacent to a given image in a certain direction from the provided image. Returns undefined if there are no images in that direction or there are no images for the direction of the provided image.


    • image: ObliqueImage
    • heading: number

      0 = east, PI / 2 = north, PI = west and PI * 1.5 = south

    • Optionaldeviation: number = ...

    Returns Promise<undefined | ObliqueImage>

  • Loads data for a given mercator Coordinate


    • mercatorCoordinate: Coordinate

      coordinate in web mercator

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Loads all data for a location and then returns the closest image for the given location and direction (location and image extent must not overlap). Returns undefined, if there are no images for the given direction


    Returns Promise<undefined | ObliqueImage>


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
datasourceId?: string

Optional Id to synchronize with the vcPublisher Datasources. This can also be used to track a connection to other sources of data.

imagesLoaded: VcsEvent<ObliqueImage[]> = ...

Event raised when images are loaded. Is passed an Array of ObliqueImages as its only argument.

isDestroyed: boolean
name: string

unique Name

properties: Record<string, unknown>
viewOptions: ObliqueViewOptions