Class ObliqueImage


  • get averageHeight(): number
  • returns the averageHeight of the image or 0 if not defined. Be sure to call calculateAverageHeight before hand.

    Returns number



  • calculates the averageHeight of this image, if a terrainProvider is given the height will be requested

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • imageCoordinate: Coordinate
    • OptionaloptAvgHeight: number

    Returns Coordinate

  • Parameters

    • worldCoordinate: Coordinate
    • OptionaloptAvgHeight: number

    Returns Coordinate


[isDefaultImageSymbol]?: boolean
centerPointOnGround: Coordinate

The center point of the image in world coordinates (in image world projection).

groundCoordinates: Coordinate[]

The ground coordinates of the image corners (in image world projection).

Meta information shared across multiple images.

name: string

Name of the image

projectionCenter: null | Cartesian3

The projection center in image world projection

pToImage: null | Matrix4

The transformation matrix real to image (in image world projection).

pToRealworld: null | Matrix3

The transformation matrix image to real world (in image world projection).

viewDirection: ObliqueViewDirection


viewDirectionAngle: undefined | number

viewDirectionAngle in radians, where 0 = east, PI / 2 = north, PI = west and PI * 1.5 = south