Class FeatureAtPixelInteraction

Hierarchy (view full)




active: number

The current active bitmask for EventType

drillPick: EventType = EventType.CLICK
drillPickDepth: number = 10
hitTolerance: number = 10

The number of pixels to take into account for picking features

id: string

A unique identifier for this interaction

modificationKey: ModificationKeyType

The current active ModificationKeyType

pickPosition: EventType = EventType.CLICK

event type for which to pick the position of the scene. this will create a second render.

pickTranslucent: boolean = true

whether to pick translucent depth or not, defaults to true

pointerKey: PointerKeyType

The currently active PointerKeyType

pullPickedPosition: number = 0

Pulls the picked position towards the camera position by this number