Class VcsApp


  • VcsApp


  • get locale(): string
  • Returns string

  • set locale(value): void
  • sets the locale of the vcsApp and the linked layerCollection. This will trigger the localeChanged Event.


    • value: string

      new locale with 2 letters

    Returns void



  • Parameters

    • moduleId: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • When adding multiple modules, adding of previous modules are awaited. If an invalid module is added an error is thrown and already added items of invalid module are removed.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Destroys the app and all its collections, their content and ui managers.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • moduleId: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • resets the dynamic VcsModule to the "defaultDynamicModule"

    Returns void

  • sets the given module as the dynamic


    Returns void


_categories: CategoryCollection
_categoryClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof Category>
_categoryItemClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<Ctor<any>>
_defaultDynamicModule: VcsModule
_destroyed: VcsEvent<void>
_dynamicModule: VcsModule
_dynamicModuleIdChanged: VcsEvent<string>
_featureProviderClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof AbstractFeatureProvider>
_id: string
_layerClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof Layer>
_locale: string

represents the current Locale.

_localeChanged: VcsEvent<string>

fires if the current Locale changes.

_mapClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof VcsMap>
_moduleMutationChain: {
    items: {
        moduleId: string;
        mutation: (() => Promise<void>);
        reject: ((reason?) => void);
        resolve: (() => void);
    running: boolean;

Type declaration

  • items: {
        moduleId: string;
        mutation: (() => Promise<void>);
        reject: ((reason?) => void);
        resolve: (() => void);
  • running: boolean
_styleClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof StyleItem>
_tileProviderClassRegistry: OverrideClassRegistry<typeof TileProvider>
description: undefined | string
name: undefined | string
properties: undefined | Record<string, unknown>

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