Class CesiumMap

Cesium Globe Map Class (3D map)







  • get active(): boolean
  • Whether the map is active or not

    Returns boolean

  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get layerCollection(): LayerCollection
  • The layer collection of this map. LayerCollections can be shared among maps. When adding the map to a , the layer collection of the will be set. When setting the layer collection, the destroyLayerCollection flag is automatically set to false.

    Returns LayerCollection

  • set layerCollection(layerCollection): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get loading(): boolean
  • Whether the map is loading or not

    Returns boolean

  • get movementApiCallsDisabled(): boolean
  • Whether api calls like gotoViewpoint & setting of oblique images are disabled

    Returns boolean

  • get movementDisabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


    use disableMovement() for setting and movementApiCallsDisabled, movementKeyEventsDisabled and movementPointerEventsDisabled getter

  • set movementDisabled(prevent): void
  • Parameters

    • prevent: boolean

    Returns void

  • get movementKeyEventsDisabled(): boolean
  • Whether movement related key events like the arrow keys for navigating in map are disabled.

    Returns boolean

  • get movementPointerEventsDisabled(): boolean
  • Whether movement related pointer events for navigating in map are disabled.

    Returns boolean

  • get splitPosition(): number
  • Returns number

  • set splitPosition(position): void
  • The splitPosition should always be aligned with the mapCollection's splitPosition. Use mapCollection to change splitPosition.


    • position: number

    Returns void

  • get target(): null | HTMLElement
  • The currently set HTML element in which to render the map

    Returns null | HTMLElement



  • Parameters

    • cartesian: Cartesian3
    • latitude: number

    Returns number

  • is called when the cesium Terrainprovider changes. Sets the .terrainProvider and deactivates currently active TerrainLayer layer if necessary


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void

  • activates the map, if necessary initializes the map. Once the promise resolves, the map can still be inactive, if deactivate was called while the map was activating.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • dataSource: CustomDataSource

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • imageryLayer: ImageryLayer

    Returns void

  • Internal API used to register visualizations from layer implementations


    • primitiveCollection: PrimitiveCollection | Cesium3DTileset

    Returns void

  • prevent all movement, including api calls (gotoViewpoint, setting oblique images), key and pointer events.


    • prevent: boolean | DisableMapControlOptions

    Returns void

  • returns the cesium Widget Object

    Returns null | CesiumWidget

  • Returns the cluster dataSourceDisplays dataSources. This datasource can only handle Entities with Billboards, Labels or Points.

    Returns DataSourceCollection

  • Resolution in meters per pixe


    • coordinate: Coordinate

      coordinate in mercator for which to determine resolution. only required in 3D

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • cartesian: Cartesian3

    Returns number

  • returns the cesium DataSourceDisplay Object

    Returns null | DataSourceDisplay

  • returns the dataSourceCollection associated with the scene

    Returns undefined | DataSourceCollection

  • returns the Entities Collection

    Returns undefined | EntityCollection

  • getHeight for coordinates


    • positions: Coordinate[]

      in web mercator

    Returns Promise<Coordinate[]>

    the array of coordinates with heights updated in place

  • returns the cesium Scene Object, returns null on non initialized or destroyed maps

    Returns undefined | Scene

  • sets the view to the given viewpoint


    • viewpoint: Viewpoint
    • Optional optMaximumHeight: number

      during animation (can be used to get rid of the bunny hop) gotoViewpoint

    Returns Promise<void>

  • returns true if the WEBGL Extension EXT_frag_depth is supported. (Is used for GroundPoloygons)

    Returns boolean

  • returns true if the WEBGL Extension WEBGL_depth_texture is supported. (Is used for picking)

    Returns boolean

  • Internal API used to unregister visualizations from layer implementations


    • dataSource: CustomDataSource

    Returns void

  • Internal API used to unregister visualizations from layer implementations


    • imageryLayer: ImageryLayer

    Returns void

  • Internal API to unregister the visualization for a layers implementation


    • primitiveCollection: PrimitiveCollection | Cesium3DTileset

    Returns void

  • set dataSource clock as display clock to visualize time dependent animation


    • clock: DataSourceClock

    Returns void

  • sets the position of the sun according to the day


    • julianDate: JulianDate

      See the Cesium API

    Returns void

  • sets the lighting of the globe with the sun as a light source


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • Sets a shadow map on the scene of the cesiumMaps cesiumWidget. Raises an event if the shadow map changes. This function should be used to set the shadowMap instead of setting it directly on the scene.


    • shadowMap: ShadowMap

      The shadowMap to assign to the scene of the cesium widget.

    Returns void

  • set the cesium TerrainProvider


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void

  • unset dataSource clock


    • clock: DataSourceClock

    Returns void

  • unsets the TerrainProvider (changes to the default TerrainProvider if the given terranProvider is currently active)


    • terrainProvider: TerrainProvider

    Returns void


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
_cameraLimiter: null | CameraLimiter
_cameraLimiterOptions: undefined | CameraLimiterOptions
_cesiumWidget: null | CesiumWidget
_clockSyncListener: null | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_clusterDataSourceDisplay: null | DataSourceDisplay
_dataSourceClocks: DataSourceClock[]

clocks of active data sources the last clock of the array corresponds to the active dataSourceDisplayClock

_defaultClock: DataSourceClock

default clock is set, when no datasource clock is active

_defaultShadowMap: null | ShadowMap

The defaultShadowMap which is created when calling the constructor of the CesiumWidet in initialize. This is a reference, not a clone.

_initialShadowMap: null | ShadowMap

A cache of the shadowMap that is set, before initialize is called. It is applied as soon the instance is initialized.

_lastEventFrameNumber: null | number
_lightIntensity: number
_listeners: (() => void)[]

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_preUpdateListener: null | (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_screenSpaceListeners: (() => void)[]

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_terrainProvider: null | TerrainProvider
dataSourceDisplay: null | DataSourceDisplay
dataSourceDisplayClock: Clock

clock for animated data

defaultJDate: JulianDate
defaultTerrainProvider: null | TerrainProvider
destroyLayerCollection: boolean

Whether to destroy the layerCollection when destroying the map. Defaults to false if passing in a LayerCollection and true if a LayerCollection is created. Is set to false, when setting a different LayerCollection.

enableLightning: boolean
fallbackMap: null | string

The name of a map to fall back on, if this map cant show a viewpoint

globeColor: Color
initialized: boolean
isDestroyed: boolean
mapElement: HTMLElement
name: string

unique Name

pointerInteractionEvent: VcsEvent<MapEvent>

Event raised then the map has a pointer interaction. Raises MapEvent.

properties: Record<string, unknown>
screenSpaceEventHandler: null | ScreenSpaceEventHandler
shadowMapChanged: VcsEvent<ShadowMap>
stateChanged: VcsEvent<MapState>

Event raised when the maps state changes. Is passed the MapState as its only argument.

tileCacheSize: number
useOriginalCesiumShader: boolean
webGLaa: boolean

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