Type Alias WFSOptions

WFSOptions: VectorOptions & {
    featureNS: string;
    featurePrefix: string;
    featureType: string | string[];
    getFeatureOptions?: Record<string, unknown>;
    version?: string;

Type declaration

  • featureNS: string

    namespace used for the feature prefix

  • featurePrefix: string
  • featureType: string | string[]

    the featureType to load. Supply an array for multiples

  • OptionalgetFeatureOptions?: Record<string, unknown>

    additional config for [ol/format/WFS/writeGetFeature]https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/ol.format.WFS.html excluding featureType, featureNS and featurePrefix

  • Optionalversion?: string

    Version of the WFS Service, will be forwarded to the openlayers WFS Format.