Type Alias RasterLayerOptions

RasterLayerOptions: LayerOptions & {
    imageryLayerOptions?: ImageryLayer.ConstructorOptions;
    maxLevel?: number;
    maxRenderingLevel?: number;
    minLevel?: number;
    minRenderingLevel?: number;
    opacity?: number;
    splitDirection?: string;
    tilingSchema?: TilingScheme;

Type declaration

  • OptionalimageryLayerOptions?: ImageryLayer.ConstructorOptions

    can be used to forward options to the cesium ImageryLayer

  • OptionalmaxLevel?: number

    maxlevel the datasource can provide the data.

  • OptionalmaxRenderingLevel?: number

    configures the visible level in the rendered map. Maps to Openlayers maxZoom and Cesium maximumTerrainLevel

  • OptionalminLevel?: number

    minLevel of the datasource (if not specified, calculated from extent)

  • OptionalminRenderingLevel?: number

    configures the visible level in the rendered map. Maps to Openlayers minZoom and Cesium minimiumTerrainLevel

  • Optionalopacity?: number

    opacity between 0 and 1

  • OptionalsplitDirection?: string

    either 'left' or 'right', none if omitted

  • OptionaltilingSchema?: TilingScheme