- getTilingScheme(layerOptions): WebMercatorTilingScheme | GeographicTilingScheme
- layerOptions: VcsObjectOptions & {
activeOnStartup?: boolean;
allowPicking?: boolean;
copyright?: CopyrightOptions;
datasourceId?: string;
exclusiveGroups?: (string | symbol)[];
extent?: ExtentOptions;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
hiddenObjectIds?: string[];
mapNames?: string[];
url?: string | Record<string, string>;
zIndex?: number;
} & {
imageryLayerOptions?: ConstructorOptions;
maxLevel?: number;
maxRenderingLevel?: number;
minLevel?: number;
minRenderingLevel?: number;
opacity?: number;
splitDirection?: string;
tilingSchema?: TilingScheme;
} & TilingSchemeOptions
Returns WebMercatorTilingScheme | GeographicTilingScheme
Gets the tiling scheme associated with this layerConfig