sets the locale and reloads the layer the if the URL is a locale aware Object.
use setTileCacheSize to change
classreturns the features intersecting this coordinate. Depending on the resolution a buffer around the coordinate is requested. The Buffer has the size of the resolution.
in mercator
in m per pixel
headers: Record<string, string>optional request headers to be sent with the server request
Retrieves all features which intersect the given extent. Will load all intersecting tiles.
level: numberOptional level to request. Will use highest level if omitted. If the provided level is not a base level, will use the closest match.
headers: Record<string, string>Optional request headers to be sent with the server request
returns features for the requested Tile.
if the level is not a base level, will use the closest match
headers: Record<string, string>optional request headers to be sent with the server request
Public API to load features from a source (for example a rest API, or WfsLayer)
Can be used to write custom TileProvider to provide an interface to a "feature Source" Can also be used to manipulate the features, for example setting an ID Prefix or filter the features.
_headers: Record<string, string>to request Geojson from a rest API:
const rectangle = this.tilingScheme.tileXYToRectangle(x, y, z);
const southwest = Rectangle.southwest(rectangle);
const northeast = Rectangle.northeast(rectangle);
const minx = CesiumMath.toDegrees(southwest.longitude);
const miny = CesiumMath.toDegrees(southwest.latitude);
const maxx = CesiumMath.toDegrees(northeast.longitude);
const maxy = CesiumMath.toDegrees(northeast.latitude);
const url = `http://myFeatureSource/layer/getFeatures?minx=${minx}&miny=${miny}&maxx=${maxx}&maxy=${maxy}`
return fetch.get(url)
.then(response => response.json())
.then((data) => {
const { features } = parseGeoJSON(, { dynamicStyle: true });
return features;
basesorted baseLevels, maximumLevel first example: [18,17,16]
cache of tiles for each baseLevel
featureset of currently loaded featureIds with the corresponding tileIds
nameunique Name
Caches the loaded rTrees for quick Access to all features.
tilingCesium Webmercator TilingScheme
baseclass for all Objects