Class LayerCollection

A collection of layers. Manages rendering order and layer exclusivity. Emits state changes for convenience. Passed to Map for layers available to said map. Layers must have unique names.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • get previousIndexSymbol(): symbol
  • Get the symbol which is attached to an item prior to its removal. If an item is removed, the current index of the item is set on the item with this symbol.

    Returns symbol

  • get uniqueKey(): undefined | keyof T
  • The key by which to check uniqueness against. undefined if no uniqueness constraint is set.

    Returns undefined | keyof T

  • get zIndexSymbol(): symbol
  • A symbol to describe the local z index of a layer. The local z index must not equal the layers z index, but is always consistent in comparison to the neighbouring layers. If a layer is moved other then by z index, the collection ensures consistency by setting a new local z index if needed.

    Returns symbol



  • Adds a layer to the collection. Can optionally be passed an index at which to insert the layer. The layer locale will be set to the same locale of the layerCollection. This will trigger a forceRedraw of the layer if the layer locale is different and the layer is locale aware.


    Returns null | number

    returns the layer index or null, if the layers name is not unique

  • Returns true, if the key exists. Returns undefined, if there is no uniqueness constraint.


    • value: unknown

    Returns undefined | boolean


Event raised if an item is added. Is passed the added item.

destroyVectorClusterGroupCollection: boolean
exclusiveManager: ExclusiveManager

The exclusive manager for this collection. Layers within this collection are automatically added and tracked.

Event raised if an item is relocated within the collection. Is passed the moved item.

Event raised if an item is removed. Is passed the removed item.

Event raised, when a layer of this collection changes its state. Passed the layer.