Class ArcStyle

A style which applies an arc to LineString geometries depending on their first and last coordinates. All other coordinates will be ignored. This still will not render non-LineString geometries (same as ArrowStyle).

Hierarchy (view full)


  • get arcFactor(): number
  • The factor with which to calculate the 'height' of an arc using the distance from start to end of the LineString.

    Returns number

  • set arcFactor(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get width(): undefined | number
  • Same as getStroke().getWidth() / getStroke().setWidth()

    Returns undefined | number

  • set width(width): void
  • Parameters

    • width: undefined | number

    Returns void



  • Get the fill style.

    Returns null | Fill

    Fill style.

  • Get the geometry to be rendered.

        | null
        | string
        | Geometry
        | GeometryFunction

    Feature property or geometry or function that returns the geometry that will be rendered with this style.

  • Get the function used to generate a geometry for rendering.

    Returns GeometryFunction

    Function that is called with a feature and returns the geometry to render instead of the feature's geometry.

  • Get the custom renderer function that was configured with #setHitDetectionRenderer or the hitDetectionRenderer constructor option.

    Returns null | RenderFunction

    Custom renderer function.

  • Get the image style.

    Returns null | ImageStyle

    Image style.

  • Get the custom renderer function that was configured with #setRenderer or the renderer constructor option.

    Returns null | RenderFunction

    Custom renderer function.

  • Get the stroke style.

    Returns null | Stroke

    Stroke style.

  • Get the text style.

    Returns null | Text

    Text style.

  • Get the z-index for the style.

    Returns undefined | number


  • Set the fill style.


    • fill: null | Fill

      Fill style.

    Returns void

  • Set a geometry that is rendered instead of the feature's geometry.


    • geometry: string | Geometry | GeometryFunction

      Feature property or geometry or function returning a geometry to render for this style.

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom renderer function for this style used in hit detection.


    • renderer: null | RenderFunction

      Custom renderer function.

    Returns void

  • Set the image style.


    • image: ImageStyle

      Image style.

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom renderer function for this style. When set, fill, stroke and image options of the style will be ignored.


    • renderer: null | RenderFunction

      Custom renderer function.

    Returns void

  • Set the stroke style.


    • stroke: null | Stroke

      Stroke style.

    Returns void

  • Set the text style.


    • text: Text

      Text style.

    Returns void

  • Set the z-index.


    • zIndex: undefined | number


    Returns void
