Type Alias WMSFeatureProviderOptions

WMSFeatureProviderOptions: AbstractFeatureProviderOptions & {
    extent?: Extent | ExtentOptions;
    formatOptions?: FormatOptions;
    maxLevel?: number;
    minLevel?: number;
    parameters: Record<string, string>;
    projection?: ProjectionOptions;
    responseType?: string;
    tileSize?: Size;
    tilingSchema?: TilingScheme;
    url: string;
    version?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optionalextent?: Extent | ExtentOptions
  • OptionalformatOptions?: FormatOptions

    format options for the GeojsonLayer, WfsLayer or GML format. To overwrite the gmlFormat option in WfsLayer format, use 'GML', 'GML2' or 'GML3' as string

  • OptionalmaxLevel?: number
  • OptionalminLevel?: number
  • parameters: Record<string, string>
  • Optionalprojection?: ProjectionOptions

    the projection of the data, if not encoded in the response

  • OptionalresponseType?: string

    the response type for the feature info

  • OptionaltileSize?: Size
    [256, 256]
  • OptionaltilingSchema?: TilingScheme
  • url: string
  • Optionalversion?: string