Type Alias FeatureStoreLayerSchema

FeatureStoreLayerSchema: Omit<VectorOptions, "featureVisibility"> & {
    features: GeojsonFeature[];
    featureType: string;
    hiddenStaticFeatureIds: (string | number)[];
    id: string;
    staticRepresentation?: FeatureStoreStaticRepresentation;
    type: string;
    vcsMeta: VcsMeta;

Type declaration

  • features: GeojsonFeature[]

    the array of features to represent dynamic features

  • featureType: string
  • hiddenStaticFeatureIds: (string | number)[]

    an array of IDs of features to hide from the static representation

  • id: string

    layer mongo id

  • OptionalstaticRepresentation?: FeatureStoreStaticRepresentation

    URLs to static representations for 2D and 3D maps

  • type: string
  • vcsMeta: VcsMeta

    vector style implemented by the map and base64-encoded png icons used for custom styles