Type Alias CesiumTilesetOptions

CesiumTilesetOptions: LayerOptions & {
    featureVisibility?: FeatureVisibility;
    highlightStyle?: VectorStyleItem | VectorStyleItemOptions;
    offset?: Coordinate;
    screenSpaceError?: number;
    screenSpaceErrorMobile?: number;
    tilesetOptions?: object;

Type declaration

  • OptionalfeatureVisibility?: FeatureVisibility
  • OptionalhighlightStyle?: VectorStyleItem | VectorStyleItemOptions
  • Optionaloffset?: Coordinate

    an offset of x, y, z. x and y in degrees longitude/latitude respectively

  • OptionalscreenSpaceError?: number

    relates inversely to the depth over which the layer is activated

  • OptionalscreenSpaceErrorMobile?: number

    relates inversely to the depth over which the layer is activated

  • OptionaltilesetOptions?: object