Class VectorProperties

Properties Collection for VectorLayer Features


  • get modelOptions(): undefined | Record<string, unknown>
  • Model options are merged with the model definition from model url, scale and orientation and accepts any option passed to a Cesium.Model.

    Returns undefined | Record<string, unknown>

  • set modelOptions(modelOptions): void
  • Parameters

    • modelOptions: undefined | Record<string, unknown>

    Returns void



  • Parameters

    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns undefined | ClassificationType

  • Get the features or the properties modelOptions.


    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns undefined | Record<string, unknown>

  • Parameters

    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns undefined | NearFarScalar

  • The common vector properties for the input features.


    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]

      Features for which the vector property values should be returned.

    Returns VectorPropertiesOptions

    The common vector properties for the features. When a/all feature(s) does not has a property set, the layer or, if not set, the default value is returned. If features have different values for a property, the property key is not added to the returned obeject. If feature array is empty, an empty object is returned.

  • Determines if a feature (in general with a point geometry) should be rendered as a geometry (billboard & label etc) or a model or a primitive


    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns "primitive" | "geometry" | "model"

  • Sets vector property options on a array of features. When a property equals the value that is returned from the getter of the VectorProperties instance, the property is unset from the feature(s).


    • options: VectorPropertiesOptions

      The vector property options to be set on the features.

    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]

      The features to set the vector property options on.

    Returns void


propertyChanged: VcsEvent<PropertyChangedKey[]>

Event raised when properties change. is passed an array of keys for the changed properties.