Class ObliqueProvider




  • Set a new collection. The collection must be loaded. If a previous collection was set, the current image and its resources will be removed from the olMap.


    Returns void

  • Sets the current image


    • image: ObliqueImage
    • OptionaloptCenter: Coordinate

      mercator coordinates of an optional center to use. uses the images center if undefined

    Returns Promise<boolean>


imageChanged: VcsEvent<ObliqueImage> = ...

Event raised once a new image is set on the provider. Will be passed the new image as the only argument.

switchEnabled: boolean = true

Whether the post render handler should switch on image edge. Setting this to false will suspend all post render handler switches.

switchThreshold: number = 0

Threshold from 0 to 1 to define when to start switching to other images. Where 0 indicates to only switch, when the view center is outside of the image and 1 to always switch. 0.2 would start switching if the view center is within the outer 20% of the image.