Class DefaultObliqueCollection

This is a special oblique collection wich is shown, if no other oblique collection is set on an ObliqueMap map. It will render a single image which indicates that no images can be loaded.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • get className(): string
  • Returns string

  • get imageFeatureSource(): VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
  • A vector source of all image currently loaded for this collection in mercator. The id is the image name. The feature has a "viewDirection" property.

    Returns VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>

  • get tileFeatureSource(): VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
  • A vector source of all tiles available to this collection in mercator. The feature have a "state" property, the id is the string tile coordinate "z/x/y" of the tile

    Returns VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>



  • Loads the image adjacent to a given image in a certain direction from the provided image. Returns undefined if there are no images in that direction or there are no images for the direction of the provided image.


    • image: ObliqueImage
    • heading: number

      0 = east, PI / 2 = north, PI = west and PI * 1.5 = south

    • Optionaldeviation: number = ...

    Returns Promise<undefined | ObliqueImage>


[moduleIdSymbol]?: string
datasourceId?: string

Optional Id to synchronize with the vcPublisher Datasources. This can also be used to track a connection to other sources of data.

imagesLoaded: VcsEvent<ObliqueImage[]> = ...

Event raised when images are loaded. Is passed an Array of ObliqueImages as its only argument.

isDestroyed: boolean
name: string

unique Name

properties: Record<string, unknown>
viewOptions: ObliqueViewOptions