Class CreatePolygonInteraction

This is a common interface for all geometry creation interactions. The interaction shall be active on creation. On click, the interaction shall create a geometry and raise the created event with said geoemtry To deactivate (finish) an active interaction, call finish instead of setActive. An interaction shall be finishable via a double click. On finish, the finished event shall be called with the now finished geometry. Said geometry may be invalid. Geometries created may be in pixel coordinates. Appropriate symbols shall be set by the interaction.

Hierarchy (view full)




  • Sets the interaction active. Use boolean (true|false) to toggle default behavior. Pass it a bitmask of EventType to change the active state. Call without arguments to reset the default active, modification key and pointer Key behavior


    • Optionalactive: number | boolean

    Returns void


active: number

The current active bitmask for EventType

created: VcsEvent<Polygon> = ...
finished: VcsEvent<null | Polygon> = ...
id: string

A unique identifier for this interaction

modificationKey: ModificationKeyType

The current active ModificationKeyType

pointerKey: PointerKeyType

The currently active PointerKeyType