Class ClippingObject

The ClippingObject is a container for a Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection. The container holds information on the targeted Cesium objects, based on layerNames (for [CesiumTilesetLayer]CesiumTilesetLayer) or layerName and entity id for Cesium.DataSourceLayer which are part of an [DataSourceLayer]DataSourceLayer layer. Adding a ClippingObject to the [ClippingObjectManager]ClippingObjectManager applies the objects Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection where applicable. Once added, changes to the targets of the object are tracked. To update the Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection or its definitions, you must trigger an update by setting the clippingPlaneCollection property to the new definition.


  • get clippingPlaneCollection(): undefined | ClippingPlaneCollection
  • The current Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection. To update the collection, set this property to the new definition.

    Returns undefined | ClippingPlaneCollection

  • set clippingPlaneCollection(clippingPlaneCollection): void
  • Parameters

    • clippingPlaneCollection: undefined | ClippingPlaneCollection

    Returns void

  • get local(): boolean
  • Flag to indicate, whether this ClippingObject represents coordinates in a local frame. If false, Plane coordiantes are assumed to be in ECEF or have an appropriate model matrix applied to the Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection.

    Returns boolean

  • set local(local): void
  • Parameters

    • local: boolean

    Returns void



  • remove entity from the ClippingObject's entities array


    • layerName: string
    • entityId: string

    Returns void


clippingPlaneUpdated: VcsEvent<void> = ...

Event, raised on changes to the clippingPlaneCollection property

The current entities and their respective layerNames. Use add/removeEntity to manipulate

id: string = ...
layerNames: string[]

The current layerNames. Use add/removeimport("@vcmap/core").Layer to manipulate.

targets: Map<string | symbol, ClippingTarget> = ...

Key is a semantic identifier, eg. layerName or layerName-entitiyId, depending on the target. Targets represent Cesium Object which support the clippingPlanes API

targetsUpdated: VcsEvent<void> = ...

Event, raised on a change of targets